- Who was your favorite character and why? Which character did you dislike most throughout the story and why? My favorite character was Hassan because he was always nice no matter what, he was a faithful friend, you could trust on hem. The chapter that i dislike the most was when Hassan was raped and also when Amir discovers that Hassan was killed.
- Which did you enjoy better, the novel or the movie? Please give specific reasons why.I actually enjoy better the novel because the novel gave more details than the movie. Also there was some stuff that weren't on the movie that were on the novel.
- Who is the protagonist in this story? Who is the antagonist? Give an example of a scene from the story that would support your label for each character.The protagonist of the story was Amir and Hassan. At some point of the story the antagonist for me was Amir, he was the antagonist for me because he was mean to Hassan. Amir didn't know how to expres hes feelings after he saw Hassan getting raped, and hem not doing nothing about it.
- Which characters change as the story proceeds? Do they change for the better or the worse, and how do they change specifically? I think
Sorhab (Hassans son) chage the story on a better way. He changed the story on a better way because, first Amir and Soraya were going to have the child they could never had. And well eventhou din't want a kid that dind't had his same blood he knew he could make up for all the bad stuff he did.